Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Before Sunrise

Before Sunrise....where have you been all my life? I miss the nineties, I miss that age, when life was an adventure and things were new.  and always, romance.

I've had parts of this movie in my life. Glimpses really.  Never anything as perfect as the night that these two beautiful creatures share. 

The meeting on the train, the openness about life, sharing, expressing, that's what our twenties were there for right? 

I've had all nighters, parties or one on ones that lasted all night.  they are wonderful , magical.

the thing is, usually in my life I can't wait until it's over.  If it's a movie, I can't wait until it's over.  If I'm out with friends, I can't wait until it's over.  If it's a book, I always read the last line first.  Magazines, I read backwards.


I hurry through my life for what?  what's the finish line? death?  What's the rush?  How about a beautiful song, a moment to enjoy?

the smell of a summers day in a field of green grass.

That fleeting glimpse of pure happiness.

No, most of the time I'm worried, anxious, wishing I was somewhere else.

I've traveled, and seen other things, I've lived.  I have lived.  This movie reminds me to live.  I love movies like that.

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